How to Track Your IRS Refund

So you’re getting a tax refund and now you want to know when to expect it.   The good news is that the IRS wants you to know as well.  There are three fast and easy ways to track the status of your refund.

Go Online

The IRS created “Where’s My Refund?,” a digital tool designed to answer taxpayer questions about the status of their refund.  This year the IRS has refreshed, enhanced and polished the app just in time for the 2013 tax season, making it more automated and accurate than ever before.

With “Where’s My Refund", a new progressive feature called a “refund tracker” displays the return progress in three separate stages.  Here are the three stages and the messages you may receive:

1. Return Received

·          We have received your tax return and it is being processed.

·          You should get your refund within 21 days from the date we received your tax return.

·          Please check here or use our free mobile app, IRS2Go, to check on your refund.

2. Refund Approved

·          Your tax refund is scheduled to be sent to your bank on (MMDDYYYY). (Direct deposit date of refund) or (Other appropriate text if a paper check)

·          If your refund is not credited to your account by (the above date), check with your bank to see if it has been received.

·          Please Note: For refund information, please continue to check here, or use our free mobile app, IRS2Go. Updates to refund status are made no more than once a day.

3. Refund Sent

·          Your refund was sent to your bank on (MMDDYYY) for direct deposit (or other appropriate text if a paper check).

·          If your refund is not credited to your account by (MMDDYYY), check with your bank to find out if it was received (or other appropriate text if a paper check).

To get started you need your social security number, filing status and the exact dollar amount of the refund.  All of this information can be found on your 2012 tax return.

Wait 24 hours after e-filing a return and four weeks after mailing a return. 

The IRS tool updates overnight so there is no need to check more than once a day.

Call a Special Toll Free Number

If you don't have access to a computer or simply prefer using a telephone, you can call the IRS to track down your refund.

A special automated toll-free line is dedicated to refund status reports. When you call (800) 829-1954, you'll need the same information the online system requires – social security number, filing status and exact dollar amount of refund.

Use an App on Your Smartphone

The IRS has released a new version of IRS2Go, a smartphone application that lets you interact with the IRS using your mobile device.  Three new features are available, providing access to video, new updates and more tax information.

Get Your Refund Status You can check the status of your federal income tax refund using IRS2Go.  Simply enter your Social Security Number, which will be masked and encrypted for security purposes, then select your filing status and enter the amount of your anticipated refund from your 2012 tax return.  If you e-file your return, you can check your refund status within a 24 hours.  If you file a paper tax return, you will need to wait three to four weeks to check your refund status because it takes longer to process a paper return.

Get Tax Updates You can also use IRS2Go to subscribe to filing season tax updates by entering your e-mail address to automatically get daily tax tips. Tax Tips can help you with your tax planning and preparation needs. They are issued daily during the tax filing season and periodically during the rest of the year. The plain English updates cover topics such as free tax help, child tax credits, the Earned Income Tax Credit, education credits and other topics.

Follow the IRS
You can use IRS2Go to sign up to follow the IRS Twitter news feed, @IRSnews.  IRSnews provides the latest federal tax news, including information about tax law changes and important IRS programs.

New! Watch Us IRS2Go delivers video from the IRS YouTube channel to your mobile device.  As IRS launches new videos on YouTube, the videos are automatically featured on IRS2Go.

New! Get the Latest News
IRS news is available via IRS2Go as soon as it is released to the public. This feature allows you to learn about new programs, legislative updates and relevant tools to help you navigate taxes and the IRS.

New! Get Your Tax Record You can request your tax return or account transcript using your smartphone.  IRS2Go allows you to request this information, which will be mailed to you within several business days.

The app is free for both Android and Apple users.

I hope this information is helpful.  If you need further assistance, please contact me at Kinzey & Arndt, CPA.  
Follow me on Twitter, Facebook andLinkedIn for updates.

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